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"... side by side with the human race runs another race of beings, the inhuman ones, the race of artists who guided by unknown impulses, take the lifeless mass of humanity and by the fever and ferment with which they imbue it turn this soggy dough into bread and the bread into wine and the wine into song..."
Henry Miller

Inventing a New Way to Listen to Music

This blog aims to expand your appreciation for song and written word together. Many of the posts have been designed to match the time of a specific song in reading length. The words of the post, together with the song you hear, will open your mind to a new way of reading and listening to music. Enjoy!

Monday, July 19, 2010

I interviewed North London born, LA-guttered, and New York-resurrected author Tony O'Neill--author of Sick City. Sick City is a superb novel about two heroin junkies with a celebrity sex-tape they use in hopes to score the ultimate heroin experience.

Tony is an interesting cat to say the least. A recovering addict and now married with a little girl, his voice and opinions on the subterranean life that is 'a junky' is fascinating.

Listen to my interview with Tony HERE.

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